About us

Meet the Team. Explore our Work.

Eagles Metaverse Project
We’re on a mission to take your projects and ideas to the next level.
We take pride in building unique blockchain projects such as token creations, NFT collections, Metaverse worlds, and smart contracts built to simplify your regular workflows.
Team Members
Custom Built Projects
Of daily active users
ICS Core Team

Jim Price
CEO and Founder

Andre Kennedy
Director of Technology
Jim Price
Founder & CEO
Mr. Price himself is perhaps best described as a true entrepreneur. He has 35 years of experience in numerous facets of the financial services industry, wherein he developed an expertise in finding small, under funded companies and building them up through investment banking and strategic consulting. After attending college at Eastern Washington University, Mr. Price served 3 years in the U.S. Army. Upon his honorable discharge, he began a 10-year career as a successful stock broker and office principal. Licenses previously held; series 7, 63, 24 life and health.
Andre Kennedy
Director of Technology
Andre Kennedy entered the crypto space by founding ArkSphere an investment platform for clients of all types. From there he began creating Web 3.0 Projects helping companies integrate blockchain strategies and solutions into their regular workflows. With now 5+ years of experience planning, designing, and integrating blockchain into workflows Andre has proven to be an essential part of the ICS team. Today he advices and manages project for our key partners such as the Eagles Game, Liberty Token, Just Keep Winning and many more.